LispWorks Release Notes and Installation Guide > 11 Configuration on UNIX > 11.4 Installing LispWorks > 11.4.1 Unpacking the TAR files

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To extract the product files from the tar container files, the basic form of the call to tar is:

tar -xof / mount-point / filename

The flag x means extract files from tar -formatted data, and f specifies that the source of the data will be a file.

mount-point is the point in the UNIX filesystem at which the CD-ROM is mounted, while filename is the name of the tar file containing the product files.

For example, to extract the files for LispWorks (32-bit) on SPARC Solaris, with the CD-ROM mounted at /cdrom/lw_60/, you would type

tar -xof /cdrom/lw_60/lw60-sparc.tar
LispWorks Release Notes and Installation Guide - 21 Dec 2009
