LispWorks User Guide and Reference Manual > 19 Common SQL > 19.2 Initialization


19.2.5 General database connection and disconnection

Once the database type has been initialized a connection can be established by calling connect with an appropriate connection-spec . A call to connect sets *default-database* to the database instance which represents the connection. All the other database functions described take a :database argument that can be either a database or a database name, and which defaults to the value of *default-database*.

Database connections can be named by passing the :name argument to connect, allowing you to have more than one connection to a given database. If this is omitted, then a unique database name is constructed from connection-spec and a counter. Connection names are compared with equalp .

To find all the database connection instances, call the function connected-databases. To retrieve the name for a connection instance, call database-name, and to find a connection instance with a given name use find-database. To print status information about the existing connections, call status.

To close a connection to a database, use disconnect.

To reestablish a connection to a database, use reconnect. Connection example

LispWorks User Guide and Reference Manual - 22 Dec 2009
