LispWorks User Guide and Reference Manual > 15 Multiprocessing > 15.9 Synchronization between threads


15.9.1 Condition variables

A condition variable allows you to wait for some condition to be satisfied, based on the values stored in shared data that is protected by a lock. The condition is typically something like data becoming available in a queue.

The function condition-variable-wait is used to wait for a condition variable to be signalled. It is always called with the lock held, which is automatically released while waiting and reclaimed before continuing. More than one thread can wait for a particular condition variable, so after being notified about the condition changing, you should check the shared data to see if it represents a useful state and call condition-variable-wait again if not.

The function condition-variable-signal is used to wake exactly one thread that is waiting for the condition variable. If no threads are waiting, then nothing happens.

Alternatively, the function condition-variable-broadcast can be used to wake all of the threads that are waiting at the time it is called.

Any threads that wait after the call to condition-variable-signal or condition-variable-broadcast will not be woken until the next call.

In most uses of condition variables, the call to condition-variable-signal or condition-variable-broadcast should be made while holding the lock that waiter used when calling condition-variable-wait for this condition variable. This ensures that the signal is not lost if another thread is just about to call condition-variable-wait.

The function condition-variable-wait-count can be used to determine the current number of threads waiting for a condition variable.

The condition variable implementation in LispWorks aims to comply with the POSIX standard where possible.

LispWorks User Guide and Reference Manual - 22 Dec 2009
