LispWorks IDE User Guide > 3 Common Features


3.1 Displaying tool windows

There are many tools available, and you can display them in a number of ways.

You can also control how tools are re-used within the environment. That is, whether an existing Listener window (for example) is raised or a new one created, when you ask for a Listener tool. In this section we will discuss global and per-tool control of reuse.

3.1.1 Displaying existing windows

3.1.2 Iconifying existing windows

3.1.3 Displaying tools using the mouse

3.1.4 Displaying tools using the keyboard

3.1.5 Re-using tool windows

3.1.6 Toolbar configurations

3.1.7 Copying windows

3.1.8 Closing windows

3.1.9 Updating windows

LispWorks IDE User Guide (Unix version) - 22 Dec 2009
