LispWorks Editor User Guide > 4 Editing Lisp Programs > 4.4 Forms


4.4.2 Killing forms

Forward Kill Form

Editor Command

Argument: None
Key sequence: Meta+Ctrl+K

Kills the text from the current point up to the end of the current form. A positive prefix argument causes the relevant number of forms to be killed forwards. A negative prefix argument causes the relevant number of forms to be killed backwards.

Backward Kill Form

Editor Command

Argument: None
Key sequence: Meta+Ctrl+Backspace

Kills the text from the current point up to the start of the current form. A positive prefix argument causes the relevant number of forms to be killed backwards. A negative prefix argument causes the relevant number of forms to be killed forwards.

Kill Backward Up List

Editor Command

Argument: None
Key sequence: None

Kills the form surrounding the current form. The cursor must be on the opening bracket of the current form. The entire affected area is pushed onto the kill-ring. A prefix argument causes the relevant number of surrounding lists to be removed.

For example, given the following code, with the cursor on the second open-bracket:

(print (do-some-work 1 2 3))

Kill Backward Up List would kill the outer form leaving this:

(do-some-work 1 2 3)

Also available through the function editor:kill-backward-up-list-command .

Extract List is a synonym for Kill Backward Up List .

LispWorks Editor User Guide (Macintosh version) - 22 Dec 2009
