
10.7 Configuring your LispWorks installation

Once you have successfully installed and run LispWorks, you can configure it to suit your local conditions and needs, producing an image that is set up the way you want it to be every time you start it up.

There are two levels of configuration: configuring and resaving the image, thereby creating a new image that is exactly as you want it at startup, and configuring certain aspects of LispWorks as it starts up.

These two levels are available for good reason: while some configuration details may be of use to all LispWorks users on your site (for instance, having a particular library built in to the image where before it was only load-on-demand) others may be a matter of personal preference (for instance how many editor windows are allowed on-screen, or the colors of tool windows).

In the first case, you alter the global LispWorks image and global settings files in the config directory to achieve your aims.

In the second case, you make entries in a file in your home directory called .lispworks . This is a file read every time LispWorks starts up, and it can contain any valid Common Lisp code. (Most of the configurable settings in LispWorks can be controlled from Common Lisp.)

10.7.1 Multiple-platform installations

10.7.2 Configuration files available

10.7.3 Saving and testing the configured image

LispWorks Release Notes and Installation Guide - 18 Mar 2008
