
9.4 Saving and testing the configured image

Make a copy of config/configure.lisp called /tmp/my-configuration.lisp . When you have made any desired changes in my-configuration.lisp you can save a new LispWorks image. To do this, follow the instructions below.

  1. Create a configuration and saving script /tmp/save-config.lisp , containing:
  2. (load-all-patches)
    (load "/tmp/
    (save-image "my-lispworks")
  3. Change directory to the LispWorks installation directory, for example:
  4. % cd /usr/local/lib/LispWorks
  5. Start the supplied image using the configuration script as the build file. For example:
% lispworks-5-1-0-x86-linux -siteinit - -build /tmp/save-config.lisp

If the image will not run at this stage, it is probably not finding a valid key.

Note that the command line also suppresses the siteinit because this will be loaded automatically when you start the configured image.

Saving the image takes some time.

You can now use the new my-lispworks image by starting it just as you did the supplied image. The supplied image is not required after the configuration process has been successfully completed.

Do not try to save a new image over an image that is currently running. Instead, save an image under a unique name, and then, if necessary, replace the new image with the old one after the call to save-image has returned.

9.4.1 Testing the newly saved image

9.4.2 Saving a non-windowing image

LispWorks Release Notes and Installation Guide - 18 Mar 2008
