
9.2.6 Using an :accept-values Pane in a CLIM Application Frame

Frame :accept-values panes are used when you want one of the panes of your application to be in the form of an accepting-values dialog.

There are several things to remember when using an :accept-values pane in your application frame:

For an :accept-values pane to work, your frame's command table must inherit from the accept-values-pane command table.

The :display-function option for an :accepting-values pane will typically be something like:

        :displayer my-acceptor-function)

where my-acceptor-function is a function that you write. It contains calls to accept just as they would appear inside a accepting-values for a dialog. It takes two arguments, the frame and a stream. my-acceptor-function doesn't need to call accepting-values itself, since that is done automatically.

See Chapter 12, Menus and Dialogs especially the function accept-values-pane-displayer .

While inside the display function for an :accept-values pane, *application-frame* is not bound to your application. Instead, it is bound to an application that implements accepting-values . Therefore, you cannot use with-frame-state-variables in the display function for an :accept-values pane. Use with-slots on the frame argument instead.

Don't use : display-after-commands with :accept-values panes, because the redisplay for those panes is managed at a slightly lower level for efficiency.

Common Lisp Interface Manager 2.0 User's Guide - 27 Feb 2008
