


The convert-to-screen function finds the appropriate screen or container for a CAPI object.




convert-to-screen &optional object => result



A CAPI object, a plist, or nil .



A screen or a container.


This finds the appropriate screen or container for the CAPI object object .

If object is nil , result is the default screen. object defaults to nil .

If object is a pane inside a MDI interface, then result is the capi:container of the interface, rather than the real screen, because this is more useful in most cases. To obtain the real screen, call convert-to-screen on the top level interface. See document-frame for a description of MDI interfaces.

object can be a plist. The keys below are supported on X11/Motif. Other libraries ignore them.


The value is an X Window System display string describing the X display and screen to use. The default value is derived from the DISPLAY environment variable or the -display command-line option. If neither is supplied, the default is to use the default screen on the local host.


The name of the host to use for the X Window System display. This key is valid only if no :display key/value is supplied. The default value is the local host.


The number of the display server to use for the X Window System display. This key is valid only if no :display key/value is supplied. The default value is 0.


The number of the screen to use for the X Window System display. This key is valid only if no :display key/value is supplied. The default value is the default screen of the display.


The value is a string naming the application class used for X Window System resources. The default value is "Lispworks". When running a delivered LispWorks image, you should specify the :application-class key if you want to provide application-specific resources.


The value is a list of strings representing the set of command-line arguments to pass to XtOpenDisplay . Each string corresponds to a single argument. The default value is derived from the command line used to start Lisp.


The value is a list of strings representing the set of application context fallback resources to use (see XtAppSetFallbackResources ). Each string corresponds to a single line of an X resource file.

The resources are used only when no other system resource files can be found. When running a non-delivered LispWorks image, the default value of the :fallback-resources key is read from the file whose name is the value of the :application-class key in the app-defaults directory of the current LispWorks library. When running a delivered LispWorks image, you should specify the :fallback-resources key if your application needs fallback resources.

See also


LispWorks CAPI Reference Manual - 17 Mar 2008
