
1.4 Starting the IDE

The Common LispWorks environment does not start automatically in the supplied image. To use the IDE, evaluate


You can enter this form at the TTY listener prompt, or put it your .lispworks file.

The start-environment function can take a number of keywords, as described below.



Package: environment

Syntax: env:start-environment &rest keywords

Starts Common LispWorks. This function takes the following keyword arguments:


The default, and the only supported value, is :capi .


The default, and the only supported value, is :motif .


The value is a boolean indicating whether or not to start a GC monitor when the environment starts. The default value is t .


The value is an X Window System display string describing the X display and screen to use. The default value is derived from the DISPLAY environment variable or the -display command-line option. If neither is supplied, the default is to use the default screen on the local host.


The name of the host to use for the X Window System display. This argument is valid only if no :display argument is supplied. The default value is the local host.


The number of the display server to use for the X Window System display. This argument is valid only if no :display argument is supplied. The default value is 0 .


The number of the screen to use for the X Window System display. This argument is valid only if no :display argument is supplied. The default value is the default screen of the display.


The value is a string naming the application class used for X Window System resources. The default value is "Lispworks" .


The value is a list of strings representing the set of command-line arguments to pass to XtOpenDisplay . Each string corresponds to a single argument. The default value is derived from the command line used to start Lisp.


The value is a list of strings representing the set of application context fallback resources to use. Each string corresponds to a single line of an X resource file.

This value is used only when no other resource files can be found. The default value is read from the file whose name is the value of the :application-class argument in the app-defaults directory of the current library.

LispWorks for UNIX Supplementary Manual - 11 Apr 2005
