

This manual documents features of LispWorks which are specific to the UNIX implementation. Most features are shared with other platforms: see the Common LispWorks User Guide , the LispWorks User Guide and the LispWorks Reference Manual .

This preface contains information you need when using the rest of the this manual. It discusses the purpose of this manual, the typographical conventions used, and gives a brief description of the rest of the contents.


The manual assumes that you are familiar with:

Conventions used in the manual

Throughout this manual, certain typographical conventions have been adopted to aid readability.

Text which refers to Lisp forms is printed like this . Variables and values described in the reference sections are printed like this .

Entries in the reference sections are listed alphabetically and each entry is headed by the symbol name and type, followed by a number of fields providing further details. These fields consist of a subset of the following: "Summary", "Signature", "Superclasses", "Subclasses", "Initargs", "Accessors", "Readers", "Compatibility Note", "Description", "Examples", and "See also".

Entries with a long "Description" section usually have as their first field a short "Summary" providing a quick overview of the purpose of the symbol being described.

The "Signature" section provides details of the arguments taken by the functions and macros and values returned, separated by the => sign. The top level of parentheses is omitted, but paretheses used for destructuring in macros are included explicitly. Optional items in the syntax of macros are denoted using square brackets [like this] . Repeated items have an asterisk suffix like this*.

For classes, only direct sub- and superclasses are detailed in the "Subclasses" and "Superclasses" sections of each entry.

Examples show fragments of code and sometimes the results of evaluating them

Finally, the "See also" section provides a reference to other related symbols.

Please let us know if you find any mistakes in the LispWorks documentation, or if you have any suggestions for improvements.

A Description of the Contents

The manual is divided into two sections:


LispWorks for UNIX Supplementary Manual - 11 Apr 2005
