
21.4.1 Default string construction

If the value is base-char then:

(make-string 3)

returns a simple-base-string . If the value is lw:simple-char then the same form returns a lw:simple-text-string .

If the value of lw:*default-character-element-type* is base-char , then

(coerce sequence 'simple-string)

attempts to construct a simple-base-string . This will signal an error if any element of sequence is not a base-char .

If the value of lw:*default-character-element-type* is simple-char , then

(coerce sequence 'simple-string)

attempts to construct a simple-text-string . This will signal an error if any element of sequence is not a simple-char .

Other string constructors also take their default from lw:*default-character-element-type* . For instance, the string reader will always construct a string of type determined by this variable, unless it sees a character of a larger type, in which case a suitable string is constructed.

LispWorks User Guide - 8 Apr 2005
