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15.2.1 Opening and closing conversations

A LispWorks client can open a conversation by using dde-connect , which takes a service designator and a topic designator as its arguments. If successful, a conversation object is returned which can be used to refer to the conversation. Conversations are closed by the LispWorks client at the end of a transaction by using dde-disconnect .



dde-connect service topic &key class errorp

The function dde-connect attempts to create a conversation with a DDE server specified by server , on the topic given by topic .



dde-disconnect conversation

The function dde-disconnect disconnects the conversation object specified by conversation . The conversation may no longer be used.

Another method for managing conversations uses with-dde-conversation to bind a conversation with a server across a body of code. If no conversation is available for with-dde-conversation , then one is automatically opened, body is executed, and then the conversation is closed.



with-dde-conversation (conv
 &key errorp
                      &body body

The macro with-dde-conversation dynamically binds a conversation with a server across the scope of a body of code specified by body . The argument conv is bound to a conversation with the server specified by service , and the topic specified by topic .

LispWorks User Guide - 18 Feb 2003

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